on the 24th..was the day of the orientation day for the new kids..the new intake of tHIs year...
as a mentor..i am expected to join the party..not really a must..but then i just wanna be a part..i wanna enjoy the day with my mentees..
even though the party was really bad...= suck?
but i am glad...i get to know lots of new people...lots of nice juniors? especially the boys...
not saying it becoz i am such a flirt or a bimbo..
but they are real nice...
I learnt alot today...i get to find out their personalities...
they are so out-going..fun people...even though they are sm0king, drink, and say a few vulgarities..
but that were all just the out looked appearance..
they are such a gentle and nice guys....
we went to hang out after the party.......
they bought some alcohol drInk but ofcourse they didnt allow me to drink..
since I had drank 1 whole big bottle...they know i wasnt drunk..
but they were just care about me..was trying to prevent me to get drunk...
we were talking about many tHIngs..shared a few tHIngs..
i listened well.....i had nothing to say.....just nothing to say..
what ever the conversations...it really teaches me something.....it really made me thInk alot...
what ever they had said..were all true.....
I've really nothing to say.......I dont wanna say anything wrong and do any thing wrong anymore..
like what julius said...last year was enough...enough of being emo...
tHis year is "emo free"
I wanna be smth like that too..............
I just wanna be me...be the normal me.......
anyway......today was great...really there were alot of things that is worth to learn...
Thank God for letting me to learn...................
I am so tired now...time to tuck in...good nite.
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