Monday, January 21, 2008

Dear God..

im doing the blog right before i am going to bed..
thanks to my housemate..i am able to listen to the worsHIp song..the song that has touched my heart before..the song that makes my heart melts..
i kept on listening to it..tHInking...that...i've been searchIng...High and low..
thinKing and hOping that what ever i do..My heart will be a place that You wanna be...a Home for You..
No matter how hard the problem i am matter how sad it can matter how lonely at times it can be..I've always being reminded..that i've being given the life..a special life from God..this is supposed to be the greatest gift that i've ever recieved..and i am going to treasure every moments i have...
At times..i might be a naughty girl...who is very playful..going round and round...Rebel?
wh0 at times disobey His words..But with all My heart...I am doing my best not to let go of Him once more..
Since i did it once before..not only promised to My first Cell Group leader..i promised to myself...
I'll never let Go of matter how hard..I will not leave..
I am always will be a good girl..being be the best girl in God's eyes..
I am tHankful for everything..all i ever wanted is to feel His hear His words..
that's what i want..without Those..I feel so empty..useless..His Blessing is a bonus..
I am walking straight to His promise land..even though sometimes i am unable to hear still walking straight..till i get BacK..I surrender everytHIng unto You Lord..
I surrender the whole of love..My soulmate..Let your Will be faith I follow You every step of my way...Show me the vision..who will be the one who is able to guide me in spiritual walk each day...
Who will put You First..and Teach me to always put You first...


Anonymous said...

Aimer Dieu =)

Vous grandissent beaucoup, la petite fille.

Alice said...

i grow up? yea..maybe..thanks for the comment...